
Posts Tagged ‘Collared Aracari’

“Baby?” I was talking to the Moss-backed Tanager and he hopped onto the banana that I was holding in my hand. I didn’t realize it happened like that until I watched the video. But, I wasn’t surprised because I frequently talk to birds. It was my third morning in Ecuador on my Neblina Forest birding tour with Xavier Munoz and we were at Reserva Amagusa, about as close to heaven as a birder can get. The bird on my hand at the beginning of the video is a Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager.

There are not enough superlatives to adequately describe this place. We never even made it to the trails because the feeders were amazing and I was having so much fun. We saw species here that we did not see anywhere else, including #1 on my most-wanted list, Glistening-green Tanager. I would have been happy with one of these gorgeous birds, but we got an entire family and even watched the parents feed their babies.

The pretty little Rufous-throated Tanagers, another species that we did not see anywhere else, quickly became a favorite.

Have I mentioned that I love tanagers? Here are a few more beauties we enjoyed seeing at Amagusa – Golden, Golden-naped, and Flame-faced Tanagers. A Flame-faced Tanager ate from my hand in addition to the birds featured in the video.

I was also happy to see Toucan Barbets again. I wondered if this was a pair, but they look alike. The male and female Red-headed Barbet look quite different. These musings sent me on another quest for information and I learned some fascinating things about this iconic bird of the cloud forest. First, Red-headed Barbet is a member of the New World barbet family (Capitonidae), but the Toucan Barbet belongs to a different family (Semnornithidae) that may be more closely related to toucans. The sexes are the same except that the male has an “erectile black tuft on the nape.” Yeah, I didn’t notice that detail or lack thereof on either bird. These barbets may start their day singing a duet between the male and female before foraging for 12 hours. Also fascinating is that Toucan Barbets are cooperative nesters with offspring from previous years sticking around to help the parents care for their younger siblings. This does not occur in other neotropical barbets.

We spent a little time birding along quiet roads in the afternoons. I enjoyed seeing the beautiful Ecuadorian landscape.

The roadsides were filled with lush vegetation like this.

One afternoon, we had a very special treat. Xavier has friends everywhere and one alerted him to this magnificent bird, a Lyre-tailed Nightar, roosting in a steep wooded hill by the side of the road in a nearby small town. The spectacular white-tipped tail feathers of the male are over two feet long! He is well-camouflaged, though, and it would have been hard to spot the bird from the road without the white tips to the tail. This is not a common bird, so we were lucky to see it.

Each of our three nights at Sachatamia, we got back to the lodge early enough for some time at the feeders. I have seen Collared Aracari many times, but they are a cool bird and always fun to see.

Watching the many hummingbirds was fun, too, although I found most of them challenging to photograph. I was happy if I just got something interesting like this Fawn-breasted Brilliant trying to protect its feeder from a Brown Violetear.

Just like at home, squirrels loved the bird feeders, but the Red-tailed Squirrels did not seem as aggressive as our Eastern Gray Squirrels. A little research on these two species indicated that my impression was right. Red-tailed Squirrels are solitary and quiet; Eastern Gray Squirrels are described as aggressive and active.

I was a little sad when our stay at Sachatamia came to an end early on the morning of April 23. I loved the beautiful lodge with the wonderful feeders, good food including my favorite drinks and desserts of the trip, and the kind people who worked there. On one occasion it was raining when we returned to the lodge and a guy ran out to the car with an umbrella to greet me.

More adventures awaited on the other side of the Andes, but first we had one more stop in the area northwest of Quito. The Birdwatcher’s House is aptly named. It is a beautiful little lodge created by a birder for birders. Visitors may also visit the blinds and gardens during the day. It was here that I had my first experience with what I call moth blinds. The blind here is a traditional structure with a narrow window along the length and plastic chairs inside. Two large white sheets are placed at right angles to the blind about 40-50 feet apart. In between the sheets is a natural area with logs and low vegetation. Lights directed towards the sheets are left on all night. At dawn, this creates magic for birders when normally shy birds can be observed as they come for a breakfast of yummy moths. Below, a Strong-billed Woodcreeper plucks a month from the sheet. We also observed several species that are normally very difficult to see including Gray-breasted Wood-Wren, Uniform Antshrike, and Streak-capped Treehunter.

After the “Moths for Breakfast” show, we spent some time watching the hummingbird and banana feeders. In addition to the five life birds that I got at the moth blinds, I also got my lifer Blue-capped Tanager. I love its cute yellow “pants.”

My favorite bird of the morning was another lifer, a spectacular Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan. eBird summarizes it as “Extraordinary and iconic toucan of Andean cloud forest in northwestern Ecuador, just barely reaching southwestern Colombia.” The Birdwatcher’s House is probably the best location to see this bird so well. The photo below was taken with my camera, but I also have cell phone photos that are nearly as good.

It was the perfect way to say goodbye to the Chocó cloud forest. We left The Birdwatcher’s House and started driving east towards Papallacta Pass.

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Spider Monkey at zoo

Spider Monkey at The Belize Zoo

Monkey sign at zoo

The zoo had wonderful signs like this everywhere!

Jeremy and I said goodbye to Phil, Katherine, and Kitty at the Belize airport, and then headed straight to the zoo. We had just finished a wonderful week of birding and working with Belize Audubon on the official Forsyth Audubon trip.  Phil and I wrote a series of posts about the trip on the Forsyth Audubon blog.  I wanted to stay longer than eight days, so I was very happy that Forsyth Audubon President and fellow Belize traveler, Jeremy Reiskind, also wanted a few more days in Belize.  The Belize Zoo calls itself “The best little zoo in the world” and we agree.  It was clean, interesting, and the animals appeared to be cared for very well.

An added bonus was the many wild birds seen at the zoo.  Many enjoy sharing fruit served to the zoo animals.  One of our favorite birds was a Common Tody-Flycatcher who flitted about just a few feet from the platform by the Howler Monkeys.  We appreciated the Rufous-browed Peppershrike, too, a life bird for both of us.  We could have stayed all day, but we wanted to reach duPlooy’s before dark.

Common Tody-flycatcher

Common Tody-flycatcher

DuPlooy’s Jungle Lodge is located on the Macal River in the Cayo District near San Ignacio, close to the Guatemala border.  DuPlooy’s had the best accommodations of the entire trip, the food was excellent, and birds were easy to see at the fruit feeders on the deck by the bar/restaurant and in the adjacent Belize Botanic Gardens.  On our first day, we just relaxed and enjoyed exploring the lodge area.  New life birds that we found for ourselves included Gartered Trogon and Black-crowned Tityra.  I was also thrilled to finally see Belize’s national bird, Keel-billed Toucan, a life bird for me, but one that Jeremy had seen previously in Nicaragua.

Collared Aracari

Collared Aracari

Yellow-winged Tanager

Yellow-winged Tanager

The second day, we opted for a little help and spent the morning with local guide, Philip Mai.  The roads were difficult due to the unusual amount of recent rain, so Philip made up a new route.

Olive-throated Parakeets

Olive-throated Parakeets

Jeremy and I enjoyed the teamwork with Philip.  And, Philip was so pleased with our results that he might add our route to his regular itinerary.  Special birds that morning included flyover wild Muscovy Ducks that we all saw well.  Olive-throated Parakeets made several appearances, including a pair right over our heads preening each other.  We found both Yellow-backed and Yellow-tailed Orioles.  For me, the highlight was a field with at least a dozen Fork-tailed Flycatchers, the bird that I’d most wanted to see.  It was magical watching them float over the field foraging and then perching on sturdy weeds.  That morning I added seven birds to my life list.

Fork-tailed Flycatcher

Fork-tailed Flycatcher

Fork-tailed Flycatcher

Fork-tailed Flycatcher

I knew that duPlooy’s caters to birders, but I didn’t expect the extent of help that we received.  One afternoon on my way from my room to the bar/deck, a woman with a laundry basket on her hip ran after me calling, “Ma’am, ma’am, would you like to see a Squirrel Cuckoo?”  Of course I did and the woman showed me exactly where the bird was.

Squirrel Cuckoo

Squirrel Cuckoo

A fun part of the daily routine at duPlooy’s is feeding the Kinkajous.  I just happened to be on the deck at 5:30 one afternoon when an employee handed out bananas.  After all the kids got one, one banana was left, which was handed to me.  Two Kinkajous came in for the treats and I stood back and watched the kids feed them.  After the kids had given away all of their bananas, I stepped up and began feeding the Kinkajous.  Then, all of a sudden, a third Kinkajou seemed to realize that he was late to dinner and came tearing down the tree and onto the deck.  He grabbed the small piece of banana from my left hand and then crawled onto my arm to get to the banana in my right hand!

Feeding the Kinkajous at duPlooy's

Feeding the Kinkajous at duPlooy’s. Photo by Cecelia VanHof.

Our three days at duPlooy’s went too fast and I was sad to leave. But I was also excited to head north towards La Milpa Ecolodge and Research Center for the last leg of our trip where more birds and adventures awaited.

Variable Cracker - Hamadryas feronia

Variable Cracker – Hamadryas feronia

Dirce Beauty - Colobura dirce

Dirce Beauty – Colobura dirce

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