Introduction -- Principles of radio frequency identification -- RFID industry standards -- Reading collected RFID tags -- Applications of RFID tagging -- RFID incorporating sensing -- Deployment and experience with RFID systems -- Privacy, ...
This book addresses decision making in reverse logistics, which concerns the integration of used and obsolete products back into the supply chain as valuable resources.
Für den Praktiker ist die detaillierte Beschreibung und Analyse aller für die Logistik relevanten Bereiche interessant; relevante Strategien des e-Business, praxistaugliche Lösungsverfahren und innovative Konzeptbausteine zur Erreichung ...
This exceptional book introduces the reader to the principles, theory and applications of physical layer wireless/mobile communications, applicators and millimetric antennas.
, USA “Too often in the past, suppliers were selected primarily on the basis of cost and that proved costly”. This is excellent manuscript from Aditya to improve supplier managing process.
The first edition of Volume I of the Textbook of Wood Technology, co-authored by H. P. BROWN, A. J. P AN SHIN , and C. C. FORSAITH, was published in 1948.
Borgmann, the author of "Crossing the Postmodern Divide", presents a brilliant history of information, from its inception in the natural world to its role in the transformation of culture.
El propósito de Hidráulica de tuberías, abastecimiento de agua, redes y riegos es apoyar la labor de los ingenieros facilitando los procesos de diseño, operación y mantenimiento de sistemas de tuberías.
This book aims to illustrate the contributions made by these scientists and show how each was dependent upon the work and ideas of his predecessors; Faraday, Henry, Maxwell, Hughes, Fitzgerald, Hertz, Lodge and Marconi.