People also ask
How do I get from San Ignacio to Belize City Airport?
How much is the shuttle from Belize City to San Ignacio?
How far is San Ignacio from the airport?
Is San Ignacio Belize worth it?
Our shuttle will pick you up from any resort/hotel in San Ignacio Town/ Santa Elena and drop you off at The Belize International Airport on time for your flight ...
The fastest way to get from San Ignacio to Belize City Goldson Intl Apt Airport (BZE) is to drive which takes 1h 49m and costs $24 - $40. More details. How far ...
Jan 25, 2023 · Buses start leaving San Ignacio for Belize City very early. Like, 3 a.m. The 7:30 bus will get you to BC about 10:15. The 8 at about 10:45. The ...
The Transfer to or from San Ignacio Town is about two and a half (2.5) to three (3) hours depending on your request. You can also book a transfer to San Jose ...
Our shuttles depart promptly from the airport arrivals terminal and arrive at Hode's Place in San Ignacio Town. All rides are on demand and subject to ...
Philip Goldson International Airport (BZE) Belize City to San Ignacio. Travel time: 2 hours and 30 minutes, longer if a stop is requested. Belize City Water ...
BBOC operates a bus from Novelo's Bus Terminal to San Ignacio 5 times a day. Tickets cost $4–8 and the journey takes 2h 15m. Shaw's Bus Line also services this ...
The cheapest times to fly from San Ignacio to Belize City. On average, Thursday can be the cheapest time to fly, according to data from the Airlines ...
May 9, 2024 · Getting from Belize City Airport to San Ignacio is possible by taxi, bus or shared shuttle service. An airport taxi is the fastest option and ...
Flexible Departure Schedule: Daily departures at 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM and 2:15PM. We may leave early if all passengers are on board, and we do ...
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